Sunday, October 7, 2007

Goodbye 2 Hello 3

Let's hope it's a smoother ride. Some say 2 is the toughest year but I have my reservations.

Things that happened in your 2nd year that are worth remembering

1. Looking at pictures with your father in National Geographic.

Gage, "Dad, whats that?"

"That's a photo of a mummy."

Gage, " Mummy's all dirty." The page gets turned

Gage, " Oh, it's another picture of mummy all dirty."

It took a few times for Gage to understand that the photo's where not of his mommy but of a mummy. I'm still not convinced that he gets it,yet.

2. Since giving birth modesty has flown out the window. I am no longer allowed to go to the bathroom without a chaperone. While getting out of the shower one morning I opened the curtain to see Gage standing in the doorway. I asked him to give me some privacy because I had just gotten my period. Of course Gage wouldn't leave, I turned around so my back was facing him and inserted my tampon. Curiosity getting the best of him, Gage had decided to lay on the ground and peek under my towel. The next morning I tried once again to get him to give me some privacy, as I was reaching for the drawer that houses my tampons Gage says," Oh mommy those are your tampons and they go in your bum."

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